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Celine, George Baekeland and Cornelia. Evening [[strikethrough]] Jan 2 [[/strikethrough]] started a woodfire [[strikethrough]] in the [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Jan 2  [[/underlined]] Cold northern blowing.  Temperature outside this morning was 55°F later 65°F  Burned [[insert]] dead [[/insert]] coconuts in open fire.  Nobody around except Catlow who came in the morning to get orders for tomorrow.  Very busy day.  Wrote letter to Geo Roll giving him choice between resigning or play the game and obey orders as [[underlined]] everyone else does [[/underlined]] and do it cheerfully and stop kicking and meddling
[[underlined]] Jan 3 [[/underlined]] Still colder. temperature outside this morning 43°F.  Kept fire going all day.  Very [[underlined]] cold weather [[/underlined]] reported everywhere North.  Sent letter to Celine also copy of letter to Roll
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but insisted not to show [[strikethrough]] wife [[/strikethrough]] to Nina as I [[underlined]] also not want her to lower esteem for her husband [[/underlined]]  But told Celine to show ^[[copy]] of letter confidentially to George Baekeland
Sent check of $495 to Hays dated end Dec. 1927 and one beginning 1928 for $100  [[strikethrough]] Tempera [[/strikethrough]] Very busy day with the ten niggers and Catlow and myself.
[[underlined]] Jan 4 [[/underlined]] Still colder.  [[underlined]] Temperature [[/underlined]] this morning as low as [[underlined]] 40°F [[/underlined]] outside.
Ran kerosene stove in my room (upper room).  Commodore Munroe visited me and gave me much information about docks and harbor etc.  Sunny but cold afternoon milder.  went to [[underline]] 10N [[/underlined]] with [[underlined]] Catlow [[/underlined]] for inspection.
[[underlined]] Jan 5 [[/underlined]] Cold night but somewhat milder.  Northern does not blow so strong anymore.  Weather became milder during the day