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[[blue penciled page number]] 12 
an easy possibility. About 2 ft soft mud with hard bottom below.  Concluded to build 2 walls.  North with about 35 feet between.  This will give me an [[red underline]] excellent mole [[/underline]] and a stronger protection. Mole can be filled in with mud and some coconut [[strikethrough]] trees fr [[/strikethrough]] palms planted on Northern side and Davits towards inside of barn
[[vertical margin entry, in red]] Bulkhead line of the anchorage [[/margin entry]]
Later on I may built a little house on [[strikethrough]] Eastern [[/strikethrough]] S.E part of mole and if desired can extend the mole further Oceanwards until I reach [[strikethrough]] nort [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] bulkhead line of my water rights which is about 300 ft [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] Easterly of [[strikethrough]] [[underline]] SE of my present seawall. [[/underline]]  This would allow me either another basin or filling in about 220 feet further, [[strikethrough]] bu [[/strikethrough]] I intend also to build a straight wall on [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] present shore of my

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[[blue penciled page number]] 13 
garden which is now made up of loose rock and catches all dirt.  This would give me a basin about [[underline]] 75 feet wide [[/underline]] and [[underline]] 150 feet long. [[/underline]]  Long enough for any kind of yacht I ever want to possess.  
Kept on writing letters till late in evening.
[[underlined]] Jan 9. [[/underlined]] Planted a row of small Australian pines along my Northern Boundary so as to hide the swamp of Block's place.  [[vertical margin note, in red pencil]] Anchorage [[/margin note]] William made quick work of it in this soft soil.  We took the saplings about 5 feet tall which grew wild in the flat behind the double row of Royal Palms.  Intend to plant dwarf bamboo between and then cut the trees down when the bamboos are large enough
Very busy day again. Discovered that [[underlined in red]] 2 new deeds [[/underlined]] have passed between the Church and [[underlined]]Bryan Estate [[/underlined]] all of them seem very

Transcription Notes:
mole? does he mean moat? A mole is a type of protective sea wall. A davit is a small crane for lifting boats into and out of the water. **He means mole as a sea wall. The Anchorage (the name of his property in Miami) has frontage on Biscayne Bay.