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and sent a day letter telegram to Celine, for copy of my tax returns of 1926. 
Afternoon took another walk along side Main Highway and was the only pedestrian amongst a continuous procession of automobiles. 
I noticed quite a [[red underlined]] negro quarter west of Coconut Grove. [[/red underlined]] [[underlined]] Information about the Anchorage [[/underlined]] Mr Huntington told me he built this place between 1916 & 1917 when he planted the [[red underlined]] double row of Royal Palms. The [[red underlined]] tall bamboos [[/red underlined]] were then started [[red underlined]] as small shoots Bryan [[/red underlined]] planted the [[red underlined]] Arica Palm [[/red underlined]] near main porch. [[red underlined]] Bryan also added porch [[/red underlined]] facing Ocean, and put the flat stones drive way around house [[red underlined]] to enable his wife who was a cripple to be wheeled or driven [[/red underline]]
[[Left margin vertical underlined in red]] Anchorage built 1916 - 1917 [[/Left margin margin vertical underlined in red]]
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around. Bryan [[red underlined]] also put tiles in patio instead [[/red underlined in red]] of former inside garden as Huntington devised it
Bryan also installed toilet in [[red underlined]] upper bed room [[/red underlined]] and a Murphy folding bed and cupboard.
[[red underlined]] Wind mill [[/red underlined]] and automatic electric pumping station was [[red underlined]] installed by Huntington. [[/red underline]]  There is a small connecting valve just near main entrance of pumping station (double door) which permits when opened to serve [[underlined]] all [[/underlined]] the piping inside and outside by means of windmill. The proper way is to have it shut off so that the windmill then serves the [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] swimming tank and ramified pipes in orchard and those leading to swimming tank.  
I found that the banana
[[left margin]] [[red underline]] Anchorage plumbing [[/red underline]] [[/left margin]] 

Transcription Notes:
Arica Palm probably should be 'Areca' Palm