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pit, West of Service Cottage is sufficiently lower so that when cock near windmill is shut, the water syphons from swimming tank to banana pit, provided the water level of swimming tank is above feed pipe to it.  [[red underlined]] Huntington tells me cistern is double and has a total capacity of 40000 gallons rain water [[/red underlined]] collected exclusively from the hard tile roof of main house.  There are 2 independent compartments each one controlled by a separate valve sunk below floor of garage towards the N.W. wall of garage.  The water from the roof enters the cistern only after passing thru a set of filters situated one after another.  Each filter provided with a lid situated in garage and

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tightly cement in so as to prevent seepage from the garage floor.  His former colored man, Hamburstel gave me additional information on the subject as follows

[[diagram labeled as follows]]
S. Wall of garage
Slab to cisterns 
Door to servant cover room
Pump Room
Valve to Cistern 1
Valve to Cistern 2
Filter 1
Filter 2
Filter 3
Entrance to Cistern 2
Fire proof door to office
[[/diagram labels]]

The [[red underlined]] office [[/red underlined]] has been built on in [[red underlined]] Bryan's time [[/red underlined]] and was made of fireproof walls and ceiling of cement.  Plastering of this ceiling fell off because