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[[red underlined]] This life does not fit in with my work. [[/red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Feb 1. [[/underlined]]. The [[red underlined]] small dog [[/red underlined]] ran away again, another man brings it back. Caught it miles away from here. [[red underlined]] This becomes a positive nuisance. [[/red underlined]] Reminds me of a very amusing comedy I saw in New York "The Baby Cyclone". where three families all got disrupted and quarreling on account of a [[strikethrough]] [[red underlined]] lap [[/red underlined]] dog [[/strikethrough]] pekinese lap dog. 
I propose to give the dog away and let him who brings it back get it as [[red underlined]] a welcome present [[/red underlined]]. Celine much offended! Gets furious! wants to leave etc. Matters become very serious and I feel very unhappy. All on account of [[red underlined]] that bothersome dog. [[/red underlined]] 
Went to a throat specialist in Miami Dr. Hodgson, to examine a small white
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spot behind lower right wisdom tooth. He says not necessary to cut, can be pulled out gradually. Spot does not hurt nor cause any inconvenience. Probably due to dead tissue when I bit on mucous tissue. Is about the size of a small rice grain. 
Last night had [[red underlined]] first rain [[/red underlined]] since my arrival. [[red underlined]] Very dry season since October. [[/red underlined]] 
Last part of gardenwall on harbor begun.
[[underlined]] Feb 2. [[/underlined]] Went to visit [[red underlined]] Fairchild [[/red underlined]] in his garden. Same delightful [[red underlined]] cheerful man. Mrs. F. there. [[/red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Feb 3 [[/underlined]] all walls of harbor finished. Celine still very [[red underlined]] stormy and excited [[/red underlined]]. This is all too foolish. She seems very nervous & all about absurd matters. I feel disgusted and very unhappy. [[red underlined]] Little [[/red underlined]] sleep. 
[[underlined]] Feb. 4. [[/underlined]] Situation develops