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[[red underlined]] Bootleggers and friends of Ritchie? [[/red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Feb 10 [[/underlined]] Out buying cement vases. Dredge finished and [[red underlined]] gone. What a delight to have my harbor empty [[/red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Feb 11. [[/underlined]] Very busy at odds and ends around the property as usually. - Roads, felling, planting etc
[[underlined]] Feb 12 [[/underlined]] (Sunday) At home writing most of day. Restful day.
[[underlined]] Feb 13 [[/underlined]] Removed mosquito netting from porch. Enormous improvement. Has become a delightful place instead of a birdcage effect
[[underlined]] Feb 14 [[/underlined]] Carpenter placed mosquito screen on porch door. Afternoon delivered over 100 Crotons & Bougainvillas etc. bought from him. Big day planting but no rain! Celine went to Mrs. [[underlined]] Arthur Curtis James [[/underlined]]
to return her visit - She reports a very pleasant lady and very sociable and invitation for dinner tomorrow; also invitation on her yacht for Feb. 22 [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Matheson's Island. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Feb. 15 [[/underlined]] Wired [[underlined]] Concannon [[/underlined]] cannot go to Washington for meeting of Advisory Chemical Committee of Dept of Commerce. 
Went to [[underlined]] throat specialist [[/underlined]] he pinched a [[underlined]] little more of the white spot [[/underlined]] 
Planted 4 big Red Bougainvilleas of Newbolt (the Carpenter) [[underlined]] Evening for dinner at the James place. Mrs James very charming, [[/underlined]] also the other ladies and gentlemen. Mr Alvord of the [[underlined]] University Club there [[/underlined]] also Mr. [[underlined]] Price [[/underlined]] and his wife. Delightful evening Beautiful place, tastefully arranged. 
Feb. 16. Mrs [[underlined]] W. F. Matheson [[/underlined]]