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I [[red underline]] am by far the largest single stockholder. If they succeeded this they could run the company for the benefit of a coterie of [[strikethrough]] instead [[/strikethrough]] directors instead of for the benefit of the stockholders just as R&H is doing now by its own company. [[/red underline]] "What a marvelous City to plunder" exclaimed the Prussian General Blücher when he visited London.
Randall of Chemists Club called here for a short visit
[[underline]] March 6 [[/underline]] Further letter of [[red underline]] George B. saying that Karpen and Schleussner want to put him at the head of our company with full power. They evidently want to play on the [[strikethrough]] innocent o [[/strikethrough]] vanity and unpreparedness of George [[/red underline]] and then influence him in their favor. They know that the main reason why I am as interested in the business
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of the company [[red underline]] is to pave the way for George's career and leadership in a business which his father has created. [[/red underline]] - Yet they know that [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] has expressed himself to Hays and others that he does [[red underline]] not like a business career of the kind. [[/red underline]] What they probably aim at is to impress me that they want to favor [[strikethrough]] G [[/strikethrough]] myself thru George. [[red underline]] Then let George struggle with a difficult position and like politicians watch carefully every blunder he may commit and attribute every disadvantageous thing to him so that by next election they have a pretext to remove him [[/red underline]] and appoint "a business man" [[red underline]] selected by Karpen or R&H, if not Karpen himself which will give them still better opportunity to bleed the company. Karpen and [[/red underline]]