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[[red underlined]] Snobbism begins at the scullery. I have contempt for any man or woman who make themselves servants of their own servants, [[\red underlined]] by needlessly mollycodling or [[red underlined]] needlessly complicating their [[strikethrough]] live [[/strikethrough]] ways of living. I sooner live in a tent than to be dictated by so called servants.  Of course I have Celine, Nina & Cornelia all against me in the argument.  They range themselves with those helpless beings who look quite important as long as they have money but become helpless if you take their money away, when they are no longer surrounded by butlers, Cooks, chambermaids and governesses.  I believe I made a great mistake of [[\red underlined]]

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letting the butler and his wife come here [[red underlined]] and of inviting any body who want to complicate matters absurdedly.  Instead of a rest this has become a continuous nervous strain on me and I feel the effects of it.  Sleeplessness and violent headache all at a time when I should be best prepared for the coming interview with Karpen and Schleussner. [[/red underlined]]
[[underlined]] March 8. [[/underlined]  [[strikethrough]] Hal [[/strikethrough]] Have [[ red underlined]] hardly slept an hour last night and feel very tired and headache.  Hays wrote me a letter in which he is very frank and proved once more his honesty. [[/red underlined]] He says as I suspected that [[ red underlined]] R & H want more than Karpen to [[strikethrough]]  put [[/strikethrough]] list our stock [[/red underlined]] on the public market. - Quite naturally.  [[red underlined]] Karpen feels the same but no so much [[/red underlined]]