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Green scum had appeared in swimming tank (algae) and treated water with handful of CuSO4 hung in a bag
Curtis did spraying of fruit trees with Bordeaux mixture
[[underlined]] March 16. [[/underlined]] [[underlined in red]] George [[/underlined in red]] came here this morning, [[underlined in red]] looks sunburnt and seems more cheerful [[/underlined in red]] Swam with his children in tank and in harbor [[underlined in red]] Had long talk with him. [[/underlined in red]] Told him once more that [[underlined in red]] if he were tired of Bakelite or did not believe in him he should not stay on my account [[/underlined in red]] That all I wanted [[underlined in red]] was his happiness and his success. [[/underlined in red]] That however I would stay in Bakelite for awhile at least and try to run it with strangers
He told me [[underlined in red]] Colonel Pope had offered him a junior [[/underlined in red]]
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[[underlined in red]] partnership in his firm to act as one of his engineers. [[/underlined in red]] He wanted no money and his former Junior partner made last year over [[underlined in red]] $100000 [[/underlined in red]] and was about to retire from business to devote himself to music and farming. [[underlined in red]] George said he believed in Bakelite and would stay. [[/underlined in red]] Told him he would not always have his nose on the grindstone. Should get assistants and take vacations.
Left for New York this evening [[underlined in red]] seems much improved [[/underlined]] seems to have enjoyed his trip
[[underlined]] March 17. [[/underlined]] Strong wind. Took bus to Miami. Hair cut and then luncheon then hired motor car and drove to Miami Beach then back here.
March 18 (Sunday). Cooler. Visit of the [[underlined in red]] Fairchilds. [[/underlined in red]]