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[[underline]] March 24. [[/underline]] Made up N.Y [[red underline]] Income tax [[/red underline]] returns amounts until July 1 (which is date of my new residence here) to [[red underline]] $4702.80 [[/red underline]] = 1/2 year
Afternoon went sailing in Pram. Orchids arrived $20.00
[[underline]] March 25 [[/underline]] (Sunday) [[red underline]] Whenever one of the children sleep here [[/red underline]] in turn. [[strikethrough]] I take [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] I go out early in the garden, basin, etc. and answer their endless questions of information. To day it was [[red underline]] Brooksie's turn [[/red underline]] 
All this of course before the mothers are awake.
Noon went on [[red underline]] W.J Matheson Yacht ^ with Celine. Nina and Cornelia had gone earlier by speed boat for swimming with Miss Matheson. [[/red underline]]
[[left margin]] ^House boat power yacht "Coconut" [[/left margin]]
We went to Ocean entrance of his canal which cuts across his Island (Biscayne Key)
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and there has a lock so as to avoid current due to difference between tides. Has installed a capicious Bathing pavilion there with cabins for bathing in the surf. Mr. [[red underline]] Semple of Pittsburgh and his wife [[/red underline]] were with us. Later on [[red underline]] Com. Arthur Curtis James, [[/red underline]] and Mrs. James arrived in their [[red underline]] Houseboat Yacht "Lanai", with Alvord and Slade [[/red underline]] as guests. We took [[strikethrough]] dinner [[/strikethrough]] ^[[luncheon]] on board the Yacht, afterwards went inspecting the Island. [[strikethrough]] Matheson If I had known W. J [[/strikethrough]] Later on came [[red underline]] Hugh Matheson and his three boys. [[/red underline]] A car was prepared to take us around the Island [[strikethrough]] After we were [[/strikethrough]] Celine Mrs. Semple and myself. After we were seated and waiting for the driver and [[red underline]] to my consternation. W.J. Matheson took the wheel. I imagined [[/red underline]] he was unfit to drive because