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a car safely
A new car arrived and we [[underlined in red]] inspected [[/underlined in red]] greenhouses, plantations (there were over [[underlined in red]] 60000 bearing coconut palms [[/underlined in red]] before the Hurricane) His aviary, zoo, etc. 
[[vertical entry in left margin, in red]] 
George Trustee ship [[/vertical entry]]
This accident reminds me that I [[underlined in red]] must put order in my Bakelite Stock situation and organize a trusteeship so as to avoid that George B should have the leadership in managing this stock for the benefit of Celine or the family in case Celine dies. [[/underlined in red]] The job is difficult enough and I must prevent that he should be nagged or interfered with by others who do not possess his knowledge and judgement about Bakelite
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
matters. [[underlined in red]] If not there will be endless quarreling and bickering specially on the part of George Roll and his family, [[/underlined in red]] and this will do no good to anybody and particularly not to Bakelite Corporation
[[underlined]] March 26 [[/underlined]] [[underlined in red]] Celine and I registered at the Polls here in Coconut Grove. [[/underlined in red]]
Attached the native orchids to some of our trees.
Wirth Munroe submitted final plans and drawings for harbor extensions.
[[underlined]] March 27 [[/underlined]] To night [[underlined in red]] left for New York at 8 P.M [[/underlined in red]] per Seaboard Air line R.R.[[strikethrough]] Not [[/strikethrough]] Few passengers. Comfortable train.
[[underlined]] March 28. [[/underlined]] Last night it was warm but this morning was awakened by the cold.
[[strikethrough]] March 28. Cool [[/strikethrough]] Very cool in  

Transcription Notes:
Note: Correct name is Wirth Munroe (not With)