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asked George Baekeland: "what will you do if new central Plan is located near Philadelphia?" to which he answered "I will move up with my family." 
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if [[red underline]] any stock is offered for sale. I want to prevent that after I am dead there should be any quarreling between members of my family as to who has anything to say in Balekite. George by his years of experience and acquaintance with all phases of Balekite and by his natural talents, good judgement and knowledge is unquestionably better fitted for managing this property but should be spared the disadvantage of interference of Celine, Nina, George Roll or other members of the family. 
In case Celine is my sole heir she [[strikethrough]] will be [[/strikethrough]] will have the responsibility of the dividends. [[strikethrough]] but George will [[/strikethrough]] If she decides to distribute them amongst our children [[strikethrough]] our [[/strikethrough]] [[/red underline]] or grand- [[/red underline]]
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[[red underline]] children. [[/red underline]] [[[strikethrough]] After she dies [[/strikethrough]] She [[strikethrough]] will [[/strikethrough]] ^[[would]] have [[red underline]] the responsibility [[/red underline]] of making a will prescribing [[red underline]] how her property shall be distributed and managed after her death. I can only provide for the contingencies after my death. [[/red underline]] I sooner [[strikethrough]] now [[/strikethrough]] be criticised now while I am still alive, [[red underline]] than to open the certainty of quarreling about the management of my Balekite holdings after I am dead. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] George Roll will never pull [[/strikethrough]] 
[[vertical entry in left margin, in red]]
George Roll [[/vertical entry]]
From what I have seen [[red underline]] George Roll will never pull together with George Baekeland. I have had endless trouble with him obeying instructions from me ever since he entered service [[/red underline]] of Bakelite. If He thinks Nina or Celine has to represent as much stock as George Baekeland there would be