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in Coconut Grove. Had simple supper at La Casita little Restaurant
[[underlined]] April 8. [[/underlined]] [[underlined in red]] Ladies packing for going North. [[/underlined in red]]
[[underlined]] April 9. [[/underlined]] 
[[vertical entry in left margin, in red]] 
Ninette is Terror [[/vertical entry]]
Celine left to night with little [[underlined in red]] Ninette who had been a terror by crying so loud for hours and for no reason. Neighbors [[strikethrough]] undoubt [[/strikethrough]] must think children are beaten or murdered in this family [[/underlined in red]] Very trying and irritating. She is [[underlined in red]] full of caprices and tricks [[/underlined in red]] A noisy and restless day parents as well as children. No rest for me. Am well reconciled to be pretty soon alone again and [[underlined in red]] no further upsetting of my nerves by all this noise and restlessness.
[[/underlined in red]]
[[underlined]] April 10. [[/underlined]] [[underlined in red]] Nina & Cornelia [[/underlined in red]] left with other children
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[vertical entry in left margin, in red and underlined in red]] 
Brooksie   Dicky [[/vertical entry]]
to night with the two governesses. Little [[underlined in red]] Dicky [[/underlined in red]] specially affectionate to me [[underlined in red]] gave me in parting a chocolate Easter egg and a little Easter Chick. [[/underlined in red]]
Her brother [[underlined in red]] Brooksie is an honest little chap, but nervous and jerky ^[[restless]] and has a [[strikethrough]] rau [[/strikethrough]] raucus loud voice that is very trying [[/underlined in red]] 
I wonder whether they damaged his [[underlined in red]] larynx when his tonsils were removed. [[/underlined in red]] All left this evening 8 P.M train
[[underlined]] April 11 [[/underlined]] [[underlined in red]] quiet reigns again [[/underlined in red]] and I can continue much interrupted work. [[underlined in red]] Curtis [[/underlined in red]] the darkey, is now well trained in cleaning dishes pots and pans and general house cleaning in a very satisfactory way So [[underlined in red]] I can again do my own little cooking and make my [[/underlined in red]]