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Oaks, Thompson and Lowe on different discussed matters emphasizing my own views etc.
[[underline]] May 12 [[/underline]] Another busy morning 
afternoon went to Theater then Saturday reunion supper at [[red underline]] Century Club [[/red underline]] where met many of my friends I had not seen in five months
Explained to [[red underline]] Hays this morning my intentions as to Trustee ship of my Bakelite Stock and my intentions towards George confidentially. [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] May 13 [[/underline]] (Sunday) Drove home this morning - Celine was alone. Explained [[red underline]] Trusteeship situation etc. She thinks it desirable. [[/red underline]] Pleasant day. Garden
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is beautiful everything green and in flower but rather cool
Steam heat still on.
Pleasant day. All alone - No cook nor Butler yet. They arrive tomorrow
[[underline]] May 14 [[/underline]] Busy morning at office [[red underline]] Afternoon Columbia faculty meeting. [[/red underline]] Interrogated [[red underline]] Dr. Turner [[/red underline]] about his work. He gave me interesting report.
[[left margin in red]] Beer [[/left margin]]
Evening made my [[red underline]] first run of beer here, with Dick. [[/red underline]]
One can 2½ lb. Pabst malt extract 1½ ounces hops 
3 lbs. [[red underline]] corn sugar. [[/red underline]]
Started concentration 12% Balling Saccharometer.
Should have been 11%. Yeast rather old and not enough of it, so took till Saturday morning before Dick could bottle after it had reached 2½%
[[underline]] May 15. [[/underline]] All day at office