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written which would present situation in a less gloomy way In the mean time we would pledge ourselves each for $25.00 [[red underline]] Jerome Alexander [[/red underline]] felt the same. [[red underline]] D.D. Inetson was rather passive [[/red underline]]
Supper with [[Mangoes?]] at University Club.
[[underline]] June 22. [[/underline]] Sent check $150 to Catlow - Rain & cold 
[[strikethrough]] [[underline]] June 23 [[/underline]] More Rain than warmer [[/strikethrough]] Long [[red underline]] interview with Swan. George B, [[strikethrough]] then [[/strikethrough]] and Rossi concerning Layman who has told bookkeeper of King Kasch that our intention is to get hold of the latters concern an absurd lie, expressing the wish of Layman of running that concern. [[/red underline]]
[[vertical annotation in left margin in red]] Layman [[/left margin]]
Immediately made arrangement for Hays to hear the story in presence of [[red underline]] Layman [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] June 23. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Layman, [[/red underline]] Swan
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
and [[red underline]] Hays at office. Swan [[/red underline]] repeats same story. [[red underline]] Layman [[/red underline]] in his usual imperturbable attitude [[red underline]] says not a word but denies he has talked to Smith about the subject. [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] June 14. [[/underline]] (Sunday). Home all day. Rain
[[underline]] June 25 [[/underline]] Supper University Club with [[Mangoes?]] - [[red underline]] Arthur Scribner [[/red underline]] at our table. Toothache.
[[underline]] June 26. [[/underline]] Dentist. Bought suit blue serge at Brooks
[[underline]] June 27 [[/underline]] At office as usually
[[underline]] June 28. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Redman was to be here to discuss Layman situation Swan [[strikethrough]] went [[/strikethrough]] had been to see him yesterday in Bloomfield. Got word Redman could not come [[/red underline]] on account of [[red underline]] automobile accident [[/red underline]] no bodily injuries
[[red underline]] Schleussner called [[/red underline]] on afternoon told him about [[red underline]] Layman situation is in favor of dismissing Layman [[/red underline]] so is Karpen who was consulted [[strikethrough]] by [[/strikethrough]]