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permit the directors to distribute 25% of earnings before stockholders get anything.
Again rain all day.
[[underlined]]July 7. [[/underlined]] [[red underlined]] Feel very tired and did not go to office. [[/red underlined]]  Afternoon drove to [[red underlined]] Larchmont Yacht [[/red underlined]] Club. Pleasant bright weather.
[[underlined]] July 8 (Sunday)[[/underlined]] Same pleasant weather. Afternoon went to [[red underlined]] Larchmont Club [[/red underlined]] - Hot!
July 9.  Went to [[red underlined]] dentist [[/red underlined]] (Dr. H.S. Vaughan 375 Park Ave to have lower left second molar extracted.  Operator [[red underlined]] Dr. Dunn [[/red underlined]] Instead of gas he injected [[red underlined]] Novocaine. [[/red underlined]] This was my first experience with [[red underlined]] this substance [[/red underlined]] Formerly had gas. He injected in the gums, and after about 20 minutes or so [[red underlined]] complete local anesthesy [[/red underlined]] on lower left jaw and muscles. He then extracted
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the tooth. [[red underlined]] No pain. [[/red underlined]] But even one hour afterward left part of lower [[strikethrough]] left [[/strikethrough]] lip and cheek had no feeling
Drove home. Pain in the afternoon and early part of the night
[[underlined]] July 10. [[/underlined]] Pain almost all over went to dentist to have [[strikethrough]] bandage [[/strikethrough]] wound dressed.  Total charges [[red underlined]] $15.00. [[/red underlined]] Pain gone.
July 11. [[red underlined]] Sent my check for $100 [[/red underlined]] to Dolbear. [[red underlined]] Treasurer of Engineers Hoover for President association
Mr Fred. Fish [[/red underlined]] appeared at the Club [[red underlined]] entirely recovered [[/red underlined]] of his operation, and seems as cheerful as ever
July 12. Rain - Rain & sultry
[[red underlined]] Hays [[/red underlined]] came [[strikethrough]] here [[/strikethrough]] ^[[[at office]] discussing several pending questions [[red underlined]] Quirk of taxing surplus of Bakelite Corporation, [[/red underlined]] sale of R&H stock etc.
Evening [[red underlined]] Geo Roll, & Nina [[/red underlined]] and