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[[red underline]] interview with Karpen to show how withdrawal of 2 millions from our reserves would be very dangerous Furthermore 400$ is too high a price. [[/red underline]] and after its [[red vertical line in left margin]] withdrawal the ^[[book]] value of our stock would be lessened by about 563 per share some of our stockholders [[/vertical line]] might rightly object. Besides [[red underline]] we must keep our reserves intact as we shall need every Dollar [[/red underline]] and more for carryout out [[red underline]] our plans [[/red underline]] as soon as the research on [[red underline]] varnishes [[/red underline]] and the [[red underline]] proper machine is ready [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] which may [[/strikethrough]] for larger commercial operation which may occur any day
[[underline]] Sunday 29 July. [[/underline]] Left for [[red underline]] Rochester. via Harmon. with the morning train. [[/red underline]] Very cool bright weather. arrived Rochester [[red underline]] 6:30 P.M [[/red underline]] Room
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[[left margin in red]] at George Eastman [[/left margin]]
had been reserved at Genesee Valley Club. Very pleasant club, surrounded with spacious garden. Only half a dozen people for supper. quiet very pleasant night
[[underline]] July 30. [[/underline]] Nice cool and bright [[red underline]] General Harbord, Mr. Hiram P. [[strikethrough]] Mexam [[/strikethrough]] Maxim. Dr. Coolidge and Alexanderson [[/red underline]] of General Electric. [[red underline]] Col Solbert, Messr Ives Senior and Junior and several other guests of Eastman [[/red underline]] are at the Club for [[strikethrough]] Luncheo [[/strikethrough]] breakfeast. also [[red underline]] several men of Eastman Kodak Co armed with Cine' Kodak for amateur [[/red underline]] moving pictures. who [[red underline]] start photographing us all in groups and separately in the bright sunlight of the garden. [[/red underline]] It now is told to us that the new [[strikethrough]] thing Mr. [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] invention [[/red underline]] Mr Eastman [[red underline]] wants to show us is colored [[/red underline]]