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[[red underline]] merly he was deaf on one ear and half deaf in the other and whoever had to say anything shouted close to his [[strikethrough]] better [[/strikethrough]] less disabled air. We sat down together away from the crowd, talking about his rubber experiments and Bakelite and Florida Pupin [[/underline in red]] also arrived smiling [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] also Prof. [[red underline]] Fairfield Osborne [[/red underline]] and many others. a very interesting set of men. [[red underline]] Young Edison, Charles [[/red underline]] was there with his wife also Mrs. Edison Met [[red underline]] many old acquaintances [[/red underline]] & friends. also Mr. [[red underline]] Stieber [[/red underline]] who is succeeding Eastman in the management of the Company and who was very friendly to me.
Dr. [[red underline]] Mier [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] hear [[/strikethrough]] chief of the Research laboratory gave an excellent lecture and demonstration of the new
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invention and the results were marvelous. afterwards visit of the [[strikethrough]] film [[/strikethrough]] factories. Film department and laboratory. [[red underline]] They use our liquid Halowax (chlornaphtalene) in the composition of the new [[/red underline]] film in conjunction with [[strikethrough]] Ocetat [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Cellulose [[/red underline]] Acetate and Mr. [[red underline]] Steel [[/red underline]] who is the manager of the Department declares himself much pleased with the [[red underline]] uniform good quality of our halowax [[/red underline]] and the pleasant relations with Mr. [[red underline]] Sanford Brown [[/red underline]] Then Luncheon at Kodak Works and further demonstration then we were driven to the Club thence to Mr. [[red underline]] Eastman's house for dinner. [[/red underline]] Beautiful palms excellent music and best of all the [[red underline]] color pictures [[/red underline]] were projected of all of us who had been filmed in the morning. [[red underline]] There were several films of me [[/red underline]] some of them [[red underline]] "close up" and all excellent [[/red underline]] and very life-like in color. Certainly a marvelous