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[[red underline]] to be transferred from call [[/red underline]] loans to my regular cash account has [[red underline]] not yet been transferred but that I can draw $300000 [[/red underline]] just the same so I send R&H my check for [[red underline]] $300000 [[/red underline]] and letter by Holmgren. Returning to office I find [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] a letter with my note for $1100000 which has to be delivered to day before banking hours is trailing in [[red underline]] [[bold red underline]] George Rolls desk [[/bold red underline]] [[red exclamation point]] and [[red underline]] G. R. is away for luncheon. [[/red underline]]
[[vertical annotation in left margin written in red]]
George Roll !!! [[/vertical annotation]]
After waiting for his return until [[red underline]] 2:45 P.M [[/red underline]] and, [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough]] desiring to prevent that [[strikethrough]] my [[/strikethrough]] this letter should reach them after banking hours, I [[red underline]] hurried Holmgren with the letter. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]]
After he was gone and about 5 or 10 minutes of banking hours, [[red underline]] George Roll made his appearance. - George Baekeland is on his vacation. [[/red underline]] 
Then told [[red underline]] Geo Roll that tomorrow morning at 9:00 A.M I shall call [[red underline]] myself at the Bank for my check and deposit myself at Guaranty Trust Company. 
[[red exclamation point in left margin]]
If I go there myself I shall be sure that I am there on time, instead of taking chances with Geo. Roll. Interest at 5% on over a million is worth saving one days interest. [[/red underline]] 
[[underline]] Aug 29. [[/underline]] Another very sultry day. Went to [[red underline]] Bankers Trust Co [[/red underline]] at 9:00 AM.
Got my check for [[red underline]] $1100000. deposited [[/red underline]] 
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[[start page]]
it immediately at [[red underline]] Guaranty Trust Co. [[/red underline]] wrote out [[red underline]] my check for same amount and sent it by Holmgren to R&H at about 3 P.M. Feel very glad this part of the transaction is over now. [[/red underline]] 
[[underline]] P.S. [[/underline]] Yesterday [[red underline]] entertained at University Club, Dr. E. Marsden of Wellington, New Zealand, [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] Secretary of the Research Council of New Zealand, very pleasant young man who worked with Rutherford and studied under McLaurin. [[/red underline]] Had very pleasant long chat at dinner. He is at Hotel Irving in Gramercy Square.
[[underline]] Aug 30. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Same steamy hot sultry atmosphere [[/red underline]] day and night since several days. - [[red underline]] So concluded late a day's rest in Yonkers.
Celine still in camp. Cornelia and Nina at home awaiting birth of Cornelias child. George B on his vacation at home. Celine will probably be back to morrow for the next weeks reception of British Chemists. [[/red underline]] 
Aug 31. [[red underline]] Celine arrived [[/red underline]] this morning with [[red underline]] Dicky [[/red underline]] who has to visit the [[red underline]] dentist and returns to night to camp with Nina. [[/red underline]] 
Considerable drop in temperature and cool weather. Went for luncheon to Chemists Club.