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[[vertical annotation in left margin]] Soc. Chemical Industry [[/left margin]]
giving luncheon at [[underlined]] Sleepy Hollow Country Club to our foreign visitors [[/underlined]] and ladies. Twenty four large Avocado pears just received from Florida are not yet ripe enough.  [[underlined]] Took 4 gallons of my home made wine along because British visitors [[/underlined]] all deserve something stronger than water or tea.  [[underlined]] Forty five guests [[/underlined]] came and consumed [[underlined]] 5 gallons of my wine [[/underlined]] which was much appreciated.  Luncheon was excellent and well served. The men remained for golf while we with the ladies proceeded  to [[underlined]] Elon H. Hookers place in Greenwich. [[/underlined]] We driving ahead in our car piloting the two motorbuses which followed. Ten at Hooker's. We were back at about [[strikethrough]] 5:30 P.M. [[/strikethrough]] 7 P.M.
Sept. 5.  All day at office. Delivered 400 shares N.Y Am Bonds to Fahy & Co. which I sold
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Took out from my box, my certificates of Granite City Steel, 300. Baldwin 100 Nickel Preferred, and 100 Ad. Rumely Pfd.
[[vertical annotation in left margin]]
[[underlined in red]] [[strikethrough]] F. [[/strikethrough]] W. J. Matheson [[/underlined in red]] [[/vertical annotation]]
[[underlined]] September 6. [[/underlined]] Rain. ^ [[Celine and I]] Drove to [[strikethrough]] M [[/strikethrough]] W.J. [[underlined]] Matheson's place in  Huntington for luncheon with [[strikethrough]] las [[/strikethrough]] the  British visiting [[/underlined]] chemists wives.
[[vertical annotation in left margin]] W.J. Matheson [[/left margin]]
[[Alean/Olean?]] Hirsch had promised transportation on his yacht, but failed to keep his promise so the guests arrived by motorbus. [[underlined]] Sir James Irvine [[/underlined]] of St. Andrews University there also [[strikethrough]] here [[/strikethrough]] Mr & Mrs. Wood and their son and daughter.  [[underlined in black and red]] J.W. Matheson shaking with "palsy" [[/underlined in black and red]] (encephalitis) stayed only for a few moments.  He had just left Mayo's hospital in Rochester,  [[strikethrough]] minn [[/strikethrough]] Minn, where his tonsils had been removed. Back at Snug Rock at 5:30 P.M. in time to dress hurriedly to join the [[underlined]] Chemical Banquet at the Commodore [[/underlined]] hotel. President [[underlined]] Carr [[/underlined]] of England presi-