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[[left margin]] Soc. Chemical Industry [[/left margin]]
ding.  Prof. [[underlined]] Bogert [[/underlined]] Toastmaster Arthur D. [[underlined]] Little [[/underlined]] next president and Sir Alexander Gibbs making witty speeches. Pleasant atmosphere and well enjoyed dinner altho' no beverages beyond water were served. We were back in Yonkers about midnight
[[underlined]] Sept 7. [[/underlined]] The chemists and their wives left in a Hudson boat for [[underlined]] Westpoint. [[/underlined]] Celine and I drove by car. Cloudy but pleasant weather. Usual inspection, drill etc. Celine motored back. I took the boat to New York then the train to Yonkers. This has been a very pleasant set of meetings.
[[underlined]] Sept 8. [[/underlined]] Bright pleasant cool day. Meetings all over. Restful day at home
[[underlined]] Sept 9 (Sunday) [[/underlined]] Beautiful clear weather, [[underlined]] Celine left for Camp [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Sept 10. [[/underlined]] Streneous day at office
Went to Fahy & Co's office early
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9:30 A.M. in morning and told to Simmons to cancel all selling orders I had given. [[strikethrough]] and delivered But verbally. [[/strikethrough]] But by the time I left he kept talking over the phone with a customer. Later on was disgusted to hear he had sold Adv. Rumely Pfd. right at opening because he notified his down town office too late, thus causing a loss of 600$. Shall not deal with this firm any more. They made several other errors. Evening supper at University Club [[underlined]] beer and Avocadoes from Coconut Grove. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Sept 11. [[/underlined]] At office then evening at [[strikethrough]] U. Club [[/strikethrough]] University Club. [[underlined]] Bridges [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Back, [[/strikethrough]] back, [[underlined in red and black]] Arthur Scribner, Pupin, [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] Oudin and Holden [[/underlined in black and red]] had some of my [[underlined]] beer and wine [[/underlined]] at supper.
[[underlined]] Sept 12 [[/underlined]] Sent 100$ check to Rachel for Leonie in addition to regular remittances
[[underlined]] Sept 13 [[/underlined]] Rossi back from Toronto