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[[left margin]] Bakelite [[/left margin]]
payment is due before [[strikethrough]] Oct 1. [[/strikethrough]] September 30. - All seemed glad to get 20% dividend as [[underlined]] none of them have to pay the large income taxes. [[/underlined]] Then [[underlined]] Schleussner [[/underlined]] was excused and we kept an enlarged operating committee meeting with [[underlined]] A. Karpen, Sanford Brown, Swan and Gordon Brown [[/underlined]] present discussing various important pending questions  
[[left margin]] Celine's mistake in my Tax returns [[/left margin]]
Wrote to Tax Commissioner that an error [[strikethrough]] ha [[/strikethrough]] against me in of about 5000$ has been made on my 1927 tax Return, due to [[underlined]] Celine adding a 0 [[/underlined]] too much to some of my dividends, thus counting thousands instead of hundreds.
At 4 P.M Director's meeting at which Hamman was the only absentee. The 20% dividend unanimously approved. Returned immediately back home to rest after a streneous day.
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[[underlined]] September 18. [[/underlined]] Long all day session discussing recent finding of accountant as to profits and losses on articles on which the new low price has gone into effect.
[[underlined]] Sept 19. The Hurricane [[/underlined]] has devastated Nassau and Palm Beach district. Coconut Grove had little of it. [[/underlined]] Matters look serious central Florida.
[[left margin]] (Bakelite) Purchase of stock from R&H [[/left margin]]
[[underlined]] Sept 20. [[/underlined]] Have given 1000 Nat. Biscuit, 500 United Trust, 500 Am Products & Refining and 600 Air Reduction shares as collateral for loan of $250000 at 5% to the Bank. check of which will be handed to me on Sept 29. when my loan period begins and when I shall [[strikethrough]] draw [[/strikethrough]] deliver additional check for $500,000 to R&H. thus completing my purchase of 5000 shares Bakelite from them.
[[underlined]] Sept 21. [[/underlined]] Further [[underlined]] conferences with Swan and Gordon & Alan Brown [[/underlined]] explaining them that the molding material on which they