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[[left margin]] Bakelite [[/left margin]]
[[underlined]] must concentrate their sales efforts loses us about [[/underlined]] 3 cents a pound net since the new prices went into effect, and that Varnish and Resins outside of Halowax are the only source of profits.
Took [[underlined in black and red]] Francis H. Carr of England, President of Society of Chemical 
Industry [[/underlined in black and red]] [[underlined]] for luncheon [[/underlined]] to University Club. Had very pleasant talk. Sent him and his wife and daughter souvenir necklaces and an bakelite handle umbrella. They leave tomorrow.
[[left margin, in red]] Hurricane [[/left margin, in red]]
[[strikethrough]] Sept 23. This [[/strikethrough]] Latest news from [[strikethrough]] Florida [[/strikethrough]] Central Florida and [[underlined in red]] Palm Beach [[/underlined in red]] announces terrible devastation. Papers say 1000 others 1500 persons killed mostly by drowning. Had telegram from [[underlined]] Catlow that only damage at "Anchorage" is one shade [[/underlined]] tree down near kitchen (Pithicolumbian) and one Grapefruit tree and sundry
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(bis) \12
leaks in house.
[[underlined]] Sept 22 [[/underlined]] This morning George tells me that his real estate man approached him offering [[underlined in red]] "The Crags" [[/underlined in red]] for sale to me for about $50000. Says [[underlined in black and red]] Oppenheimer [[/underlined in black and red]] has tried in vain to sell it for 75000$ and that his daughter is anxious to get rid of the property in view of the old age and delicate health of her father and she and family are anxious to sell before winter comes. She had whispered to the real Estate man that altho' her father wants $75000, they would sell at about $50000 which is about the price the property is assessed. This is an [[underlined in red]] awkward moment for me to encumber myself [[/underlined in red]] with more real Estate and specially a house which will require $10000 to modernise it, [[strikethrough]] On th [[/strikethrough]] as I have many other important payments to make in relation