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for mixtures of halowax with natural and artificial resins. Streneous day.
[[underlined]] Oct. 3. [[/underlined]] Ditto.
[[underlined]] Oct 4. [[/underlined]] Conferences with Redman and Nielsen on pending patent matters. 
Then at 1 P.M. luncheon of [[red underlined]] Cressy Morrison [[/red underlined]] with various chemical mfrs. to meet Miss ? U.S commercial attaché in Rome. Barret of [[red underlined]] Union Carbide, [[/red underlined]] Teagle, Standard Oil New Jersey, Townsend [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] Landes and about twenty others there. At 4 P.M visit of [[red underlined]] Goodwin of London. [[/red underlined]] 
[[underlined]] Oct 5 [[/underlined]] Feel very tired and somewhat dizzy. [[red underlined]] George still in hospital. His tonsil still bleeding.[[/red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Oct 6. [[/underlined]] Bright and sunny.  [[red underlined]] George left the hospital but will require further rest at home [[/red underlined]]
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[[underlined]] Oct 7. [[/underlined]] Sunday Most of day busy correcting my 1927 tax returns and studying my project of new will.
[[underlined]] Oct. 8. [[/underlined]] [[red underlined]]  Catlow [[/red underlined]] wired me [[strikethrough]] last Sunday [[/strikethrough]] that politicians in Florida are trying to invalidate the rule that registration for primaries also count for the general election. Advises me to register not later than Oct 10, if I want to make [[red underlined]] sure to cast my vote 
So I must make preparations to leave on Thursday next. [[/red underlined]]
[[left margin in red]] George ill [[/left margin]]
[[red underlined]] George started bleeding and has to return to hospital. [[/red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Oct. 9. [[/underlined]] Went to dentist early who put some cement in lower left molar, then visited George at hospital. [[red underlined]] Looks much better will be able to leave to morrow [[/red underlined]]
Went to Vault to deposit my newly acquired 5000 shares of Bakelite common also to get my passport and naturalisation certificate