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My [[red underline]] last batch of Grape fruit wine made [[/red underline]] in May 1928 is excellent [[red underline]] so is the beer. [[/red underline]]
Grape fruits oranges bear abundantly so do Papayas. One king orange tree planted last spring has dozens of fruit. 
[[left margin in red]] In Florida [[/left margin]]
Temp. 80-85°
Balance in Coconut Grove Bank was on May 5. - 1928 and to day (verified by me) 667.08 
Worked in garden all day. Started writing new will Warm - quite some mosquitoes outside early and late none in house. Temperature 82°-78°. Delicious swimming in tank. Water is 84°F. Feel very well and restful. No more that agitation and bumping of my heart
[[underline]] Oct. 17. [[/underline]] More writing on my [[red underline]] will. Finished it in afternoon. [[/red underline]] Bought [[strikethrough]] som [[/strikethrough]] 23 Plain red hibiscus to be planted
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[[vertical entry in left margin in red]]
Florida [[/vertical entry]]
between Royal Palms also some red Coleus to be planted in Circle tomorrow. (from Cravath)
[[underline]] Oct. 18. [[/underline]] On rereading my written [[red underline]] will found several errors so concluded to rewriting the whole job. [[/red underline]] Went to Miami to buy some pots for patio, chinese and gray [[strikethrough]] terra [[/strikethrough]] Terra Cotta. Miami is very quiet, few cars in the avenues. Park near waterfront very quiet and pleasant [[red underline]] Mcallister Hotel is open but restaurant is not. [[/red underline]] Meals only served in Cafeteria in basement. Short visit to dear old Commodore Munroe
[[underline]] Oct 19 [[/underline]] Warm bright day, [[red underline]] kept on rewriting my will. [[/red underline]] Have sent check [[red underline]] $45000 for "Crags" [[/red underline]] to Hays. This is the final payment due Oct. 30, 1928
[[underline]] Oct 20 [[/underline]] Continued rewriting my will all morning. [[strikethrough]] Have been writing the latest [[/strikethrough]]