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pleasant surprises and made up my mind that whatever happens I should not feel two much discouraged because after all the 
[[vertical red line in left margin with entry in red]] Hoover [[/vertical entry]] 
Great Experiment of our Republic is optimistic and idealistic and does not take into consideration that the great majority of the present generation lives in a world in which they have been dragged against their [[strikethrough]] desire [[/strikethrough]] ^[[will]] and for which they are not yet sufficiently prepared. At the same time I feel that it would be a shame for the U.S. which has such an exceptional man as Hoover, a man way above the professional politician of any country one of the very best men this country ever produced
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[[vertical entry in left margin in red]]
Hoover [[/vertical entry]]
if the people preferred Smith who with all his qualities does not begin to compare to Hoover, neither as a man, as ideals nor as preparation.
Tomorrow will tell us.
[[underline]] Nov 7 [[/underline]] Got out of bed before Sunrise to find the paper [[red underline]] Hoover overwhelmingly [[/red underline]] elected. The Solid Democratic Smith, broken for the first time in our history
I feel supremely happy same as Celine. I believe this event will mark a new period in the political history of the United States. Padlocked again our gate and stayed in all [[strikethrough]] day [[/strikethrough]] morning. Afternoon Catlow drove us to Miami Beach and new development
Evening Celine left with the 8 P.M. train. [[red underline]] This has [[/red underline]]