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Heavy Bakelite mail requiring most of my attention
[[underlined]] Nov.20 [[/underlined]] More scraping while I am letter writing.
This [[strikethrough]] night [[/strikethrough]] ^[[evening]] when walking across the garden in the moonligh. found a large crab in our trap which gave me subject for supper. Northerly and [[red underlined]] getting cooler. [[/red underlined]]
[[left margin in red]] Cool weather [[/left margin]]
Nov. 21. Decidedly cooler. Was 50°F early this morning outside strong N.W. blowing
Nov. 21. Cool bright weather like yesterday
[[underlined]] Nov. 22 [[/underlined]] Caltow, Curtis and a hired darkey, Ingram all busy at the boat. Larger part of the day devoted to correspondence with Bakelite Office [[red underline]] Caltow [[/red underline]] bought me a very live [[red underlined]] 3 lb. lobster [[/red underlined]] which I boil for tomorrow.  Continued cool weather but
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very bright and little wind. Kept fire burning in living room.  Outside it was as low as 50°F early morning.
[[underlined]] Nov. 23 [[/underlined]] Same bright but cool weather 50° at night 67° at daytime. Have decided to leave tomorrow for New York to attend to my work Wired office & Jackson in Columbia Drove to Miami with Caltow to secure accommodation on train.  Enthusiastic letter of [[red underlined]] Geo Roll [[/red underlined]] about his 3 days in Adirondacks hunting. Says our [[red underlined]] profits [[/red underlined]] for October [[strikethrough]] are $250000 [[/strikethrough]] will be 170000 for Bakelite & 80000 for Halowax or [[red underlined]] 250000$ in all as against $175000 last October. [[/red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Nov. 24. [[/underlined]] Busy day packing for going North. Warmer pleasant weather. Packed papayas and grapefruit and first sugar cane in ^[[my]] trunk also 4 shoots of Bougainvillas for our Greenhouse at Snug Rock Called at Mr. Rumey's then at Munroes. there met Nat