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[[red underline]] Herreshof [[/red underline]] and Mrs. H. just arrived both delighted with election of Hoover but ashamed of the vote of Rhode Island
Left 8. P.M. few passengers. and not too warm. During night on way to Jacksonville was awakened by [[strikethrough]] cold [[/strikethrough]] lowering temperature
[[underlined in red and black]] Nov 25 [[/underlined in red and black]] 1928 (Sunday) Much cooler Steam is turned on in the cars. Had pleasant chat on sailboat with a certain Mr. Mooreshead a lawyer of Philadelphia who cruises in his schooner in Chesapeake Bay
[[underlined]] Nov. 26. [[/underlined]] Train arrived strictly on time in N.Y. Dick there with my fur coat. Feels [[red underlined]] biting cold. [[/red underlined]] What a chance! Arriving at office heard for first time A. [[red underlined]] Karpen [[/red underlined]] has had [[re underlined]] a stroke [[/red underlined]] and left arm and leg are paralyzed. Very much hope it is not the worst and we shall not lose him in our directorate. Celine came to fetch me at 2 P.M. and we
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drove home.
[[underlined]] Nov 27 [[/underlined]] Very busy all day at office
[[underlined]] Nov. 28. [[/underlined]] Better news from Karpen. George ill in bed with sore throat & fever. Went to U.C. for supper
[[underlined]] Nov. 29. [[/underlined]] Thanksgiving. George still in bed. [[red underlined]] Cornelia [[/red underlined]] and [[strikethrough]] her [[/strikethrough]] [[red underlined]] Dicky [[/red underlined]] and [[red underlined]] Brooksie [[/red underlined]] here for luncheon. Busy all day straightening up belated things
[[underlined]] Nov 30 [[/underlined]] Redman at office gives me excellent reports about progress in paper and other developments Horne says our profits for [[red underlined]] October will exceed 250000$ and estimates [[/red underlined]] total net [[red underlined]]profits for 1928 [[/red underlined]] will be [[red underline]] 1 3/4 million dollars,[[/red underlined]] which is a magnificent result in view of our [[red underlined]] intense competition [[/red underlined]] and lowering of prices. [[red underlined]] George [[/red underlined]] still in bed but better. His voice sounds very hoarse over 'phone. Rain all day. Stayed uninterruptedly in office getting thru belated matters etc