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spoke without reading, in an easy manner, and gave us a most fascinating and direct story of what led him to this work and how gradually he and his colaborators [[strikethrough]] altho [[/strikethrough]] were led to attack more ambitious problems which finally led to Climax the [[red underlined]] "Liquefaction" of coal [[/red underlined]] and the Transformation of waste wood into [[red underlined]] cattle feed [[/red underlined]] and the production of a [[red underlined]] new variety [[/red underlined]] of sugar. Altho' [[/strikethrough]] his [[/strikethrough]] he spoke with a decided accent [[red underlined]] his comment of English was [[/red underlined]] fully sufficient to make his address easily understandable. He treated his subject in a frank, simple way. [[strikethrough]] His [[/strikethrough]] The guiding idea which took him into the effort of making food stuffs from [[red underlined]] wood cellu- [[/red underlined]]
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lose was [[red underlined]] particularly interesting to me [[/red underlined]] as I spent considerable time on this subject between 1903 and 1906 in my laboratory in Yonkers. [[red underlined]] trying to accomplish [[/red underlined]] the same object by [[red underlined]] submitting [[/red underlined]] sawdust to [[red underlined]] hydrolysis, using the same means, hydrochloric [[/red underlined]] acid, and aiming at the same purpose transforming a waste product into a food product.
[[left margin in red ]] My work on making wood edible [[/left margin]]
I gave up this line of research [[strikethrough]] aft [[/strikethrough]] and many other lines, after I got fascinated by my Bakelite research. - What I admired most in the part of the Bergius address, was the very clever chemical engineering methods devised by him and his associates to make the whole operation a possible industrial wholesale method instead of a much easier laboratory reaction. He aroused applause when he mentioned that one