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of the greatest difficulties was their systems of [[strikethrough]] dey [[/strikethrough]] dialysers which had to stand hydrochloric acid of increasing concentration which gave them much trouble until lately they had adopted [[red underlined]] bakelite [[/red underlined]] as the cementing material.
Met many of my old friends at the meeting, amongst them [[red underlined]] Dr. Homer Jay Wheeler,[[/red underlined]] (the Chemist and Agronomist) whose acquaintance I made in 1889 on SS. [[strikethrough]] Westerla [[/strikethrough]] Westerland which was the passenger ship in Aug. which brought [[strikethrough]] Cle [[/strikethrough]] Celine in myself to these United States on our wedding trip. Dick and Jim still in bed. [[strikethrough]] Light [[/strikethrough]] Snowstorm and delay reaching home for supper. Very interesting day. [[red underlined]] Little Celine Roll [[/red underlined]] was staying at Snug Rock. " [[red underlined]] Looks very healthy and happy, a delight to look at [[/red underlined]]
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her happy honest face. [[red underlined]] She also is a charming, intelligent [[/red underlined]] child, [[red underlined]] of splendid character.[[/red underlined]] She is [[red underlined]] eight years [[/red underlined]] old now and has managed to learn to play the piano to the point of playing some easy pieces without notes. [[red underlined]] We certainly have an exceptionally fine set of grandchildren, - all. [[/red underlined]] The joy of our old age. and all eagerly happy to come here and be with "Bon.Bon" as they call their grand-mother.
[[underlined]] Sunday, 9 [[/underlined]] White landscape and cold winds. Prepared my Columbia Lecture for next Wednesday: [[red underlined]] "The Human side of Chemical Engineering" [[/red underlined]]
Some boys of the neighborhood bare headed, are ski-ing down our snow covered lawn
Nina came here [[strikethrough]] and w with Celine [[/strikethrough]] to take Celine.  While we were alone she asked me to give my frank opinion about