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[[underlined in red]] George Roll. [[/underlined in red]] - That he felt discouraged and is under the impression that he is of no use to the Bakelite business and that [[underlined in red]] I am only keeping him because he is my son in law. [[/underlined in red]] Nina said that if this be the case and if he is a disadvantage and we only keep him to [[strikethrough]] be us [[/strikethrough]] out of consideration for her (Nina) she wanted to tell to me, that, much as she appreciates my good will and liberality she was willing to make sacrifices and arrange matters for him and her family to [[underlined in red]] let him try other business connections elsewhere. [[/underlined in red]] All this said, without bitterness and in a full friendly way. - I told her that this was [[strikethrough]] the first time I [[/strikethrough]] ^[[I never]] discussed George before her. [[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] in this way and only on her sollicitation, because I did not want to do anything
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which might cast reflection on his abilities, but that I would assure [[strikethrough]] you [[/strikethrough]] her that whatever I might think of George, of his abilities as an engineer or his services to Bakelite, he had my full esteem and respect as a man. of clean honest character and I [[strikethrough]] sooner [[/strikethrough]] much sooner liked a son [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] in law like him than a clever talented man for whose character I would not have as much respect. and that she herself should think the same way. That [[underlined in red]] what is called "love" is very unstable but respect, and esteem for the father of her children is a paramount feeling which keeps a family together. [[/underlined in red]] That I had arranged my will with these ideas in mind and would not make it easy [[strikethrough]] for our grans [[/strikethrough]] to load stepfathers or stepmothers on our grand-children as [[strikethrough]] long [[/strikethrough]] ^[[much]] as I could help it. [[red]] See next page [[/red]]