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[[underlined]]Dec 11.[[\underlined]]  Have been waiting all day for a call from [[underlined]]Schleussner.  Perhaps they realise they have not enough votes for one director.[[\underlined]]
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To my intense qualification Mr. Sutherland, Alien Property Custodian in Washington sent his proxies.  The first time it ever occurred.  This is the result of the short letter containing report about the affairs of the Company which I sent him, requesting his proxy.
Dick is up again.  Was 8 days in bed with the Grippe.
[[underlined]]Dec. 12[[\underlined]]  Got [[underlined]]Proxies[[\underlined]] from [[underlined]]Kirk Brown, Williams, Peters and Kent, accompanied by very appreciative letters.[[\underlined]]  Also from [[underlined]]Rogers[[\underlined]] whom hitherto I classed in the R&H clan but who has scant liking for them.  Things are going well.  Success of next election
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seem fully assured.
Afternoon went to speak to our [[underlined]]Chemical Engineering class.[[\underlined]]  Subject = The [[underlined]]Human side of Chemical Engineering.[[\underlined]]
Spent considerable time with Professor [[underlined]]Turner[[\underlined]] who showed me samples and further results obtained in molding compounds with various mixtures of the [[underlined]]crystalline Diosydiphenyl methane.[[\underlined]]  Discussed subject with him and made various suggestions for further work these suggestions to be submitted to Redman.
[[underlined]]Dec. 13.[[\underlined]]  Busy day at office.  All proxies in now except Karpen Brothers.
Telephoned to Brisson, the lawyer in Pleasantville that I am willing to sell that plot of land for 350$ cash, no less.  Told him taxes are paid.
Evening went to the dinner