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votes, and so as not to put a strain on the loyalty of everybody I had decided [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] [[red underlined]] to have the three offices of President, Treasurer and secretary [[/red underlined]] amongst members of my family. Furthermore I did not want to incur the responsibility of the [[strikethrough]] Treasurryu [[/strikethrough]] Treasuryship amongst members of my family. That the functions of Treasurer [[red underlined]] involved matters of Corporation law [[/red underlined]] and that [[red underlined]] Hays [[/red underlined]] was [[red underlined]] the best qualified.[[/red underlined]] At this [[red underlined]] George Roll showed his [[/red underlined]] anger and told me I was not fair to him that [[red underlined]] he [[/red underlined]] ought [[red underlined]] to be made Treasurer [[/red underlined]] etc. etc. I answered that he ought to feel happy and honored that I was willing to make him a director.  That [[red underlined]] he [[/red underlined]] was the only man in the company who dared to take such an [[red underlined]] arrogant [[/red underlined]] attitude as to tell me to appoint him, [[red underlined]] at the cost of impairing the loyalty of all my other directors, [[/red underlined]] whose
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loyalty was my greatest asset. I [[red underlined]] challenged [[/red underlined]] him to show me a [[red underlined]] single man on our staff [[/red underlined]] who had not risen to the position he deserves by his own work and [[red underlined]] without having to ask for [[strikethrough]] him [[/strikethrough]] it. [[/red underlined]] That he did not seem to realise his lack of qualifications and his many limitations. All I asked from him was to stick to the job assigned to him of watching the cash drawer, but not to meddle [[strikeout]] where [[/strikeout]] with the work of others where he does not belong, and for which he is not qualified and which [[red underlined]] had earned him the dislike of everybody in the company. [[/red underlined]] I told him that [[red underlined]] last year he made me a similar scene [[/red underlined]] because I did not want to drop good men from the directorate to favor him as my son-in-law. That I would not stand such [[strikethrough]] lame [[/strikethrough]] arrogance from anybody as much as I was standing it from him. That