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also that in this case [[red underlined]] I was anyhow paying about one half of his salary, on account of being the largest stockholder.  Georges [[/red underlined]] fixed salary should be raised for 1928 to [[red underlined]] $11000, [[/red underlined]] putting it [[red underlined]] at par with that of Rossi & Redman. [[/red underlined]]  Then I suggested [[red underlined]] Swan [[/red underlined]] should be raised to $20000 total compensation for 1928, and [[red underlined]] Sanford Brown $24000. [[/red underlined]]  Unanimously and cheerfully all accepted. [[strikethrough]] Then I told them that [[/strikethrough]]  During the deliberations about George B the latter left the room.  After he returned told to Rossi and Redman they were entitled to an increase. I asked them ^[[that if]] total compensation for 1928 was raised to $28000. They both expressed great satisfaction, so I told them immediately I would make it [[underlined in red and blue]] $29000 [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] which [[/strikethrough]]
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to show my appreciation; which pleased them still more.
As to [[red underlined]] Schleussner [[/red underlined]] we all agreed he was [[red underlined]] not entitled [[/red underlined]] to any claims for services, but so as to show our good will we would send him [[red underlined]] $8000 [[/red underlined]] which was [[red underlined]]a reduction to his $15000 of last year. [[/red underlined]] I shall however first sound thru Mr Hays how Schleussner feels about it.
Felt very tired when we got thru with our work. [[red underlined]] Just then George Roll came in and announced me he wants to retire from Bakelite Corporation. [[/red underlined]] I did not expect this after he had told me and Hays that he would behave. I suppose [[red underlined]] he got furious [[/red underlined]] when he was made [[red underlined]] assistant Treasurer to Hays. [[/red underlined]]  [[strikethrough]] I told him [[/strikethrough]] He asked me about 30 days to put his things in shape. I told him he could take 30 days or two months or a year or anytime