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Very dry weather and sunny
[[underlined]] Dec. 27. [\underlined]] Still northerly. Has not rained for long time. Many ripe papayas, grapefruit and oranges on trees. Cool night.
[[strikethrough]] Put Bronze letters on gate post [[\strikethrough]]
[[underlined]] Dec. 28. [[\underlined]] Busy day. Feel tired.  Another cold night 50°F
[[strikethrough]] Put Bronze [[underlined in red]] Catlow [[\underlined in red]] puts my bronze letters on [[strikethrough]] post [[/strikethrough]] gate post
[[underlined]] Dec. 29. [[\underlined]] Last night 50°F but nice warm and bright during day. Afternoon went to visit the [[underlined in red]] Fairchilds [[\underlined in red]] [[left margin red]] X [[/left margin red]] and saw their tastefully built, new house. Interior decoration going on. [[underlined in red]] Fairchild [[\underlined in red]] as [[underlined in red]] cheerful [[\underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] pleasant as ever. [[\underlined in red]]
[[underlined]] Dec 30. Sunday. [[\underlined]] Last night warmer, about 60°F. Wind has shifted to E. Bright sunny day.  [[underlined in red]] Murray a young Scotchman [[\underlined in red]] who served in British Army in France applied for position
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He came punctually at 8.30 A.M. The others did not show up.  Afternoon had visit of Rushmore who brought his friend Stebbins along. Made them taste my [[underlined in red]] home-brew.[[\underlined in red]] Mild temperature at night.
[[underlined]] Dec 31. [[\underlined]] Mild weather, sunny and bright. Westerly breeze. I have noticed that every day, even after cold nights the water in the swimming tank near the surface is 64°F, from Artenes well 74°F.
The seawater at high tide shows 70°F. This has enabled me [[underlined in red]] every day to have a swim in the swimming tank [[\underlined in red]] during the afternoon, after the sun has warmed up things. Am sending to day a letter to [[underlined in red]] George B [[\underlined in red]] with my check for [[underlined in red] $250000 [[\underlined in red]] to pay of my loan to American Exchange Irving Trust Co, which only falls due Jan.29, but which I want to pay with my dividends of beginning January so as to save interest.  [[underlined in red]] George [[\underlined in red]] announces me that Swan estimates our