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[[left margin red vertical]] Florida [[\left margin red vertical]]
[[underlined in red]] volume in pounds of sales [[/underlined in red]] for 1929 will [[underlined in red]] be at least 40% higher than in 1928, [[/underlined in red]] - hence our problem to face this increased output. [[underlined in red]] George B [[/underlined in red]] also announces me I [[underlined in red]] shall be needed middle January [[/underlined in red]] for at [[underlined in red]] least two weeks [[/underlined in red]] for [[underlined in red]] the laminated patent suit. [[/underlined in red]] Wrote him, why suit could [[left margin red vertical]] Florida [[/left margin red vertical]] not be postponed until end May or beginning of June? Spent the evening in preparing a large lobster for my supper then a short walk thru the garden Beautiful [[strikethrough]] clea [[/strikethrough]] sunset, [[underlined in red]] the last of 1928, [[/underlined in red]] then a clear starry night mild weather and to bed at 8:30 P.M. Not a noise or a sound while so much noise is going on in the cities!
[[underlined]] Jan. 1. 1929. [[/underlined]] Mild pleasant bright sunny day. Up early and writing letters. Only
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[[left margin red vertical]] Early days in Florida as told by Munroe [[/left margin red vertical]]
visitor this morning was dear old [[underlined in red]] Commodore Munroe [[/underlined in red]] who [[strikethrough]] rowed [[/strikethrough]] came rowing in his boat. We had a pleasant interesting chat about boats and early times in the region [[underlined in red]] when it took 10 days [[/underlined in red]] to get to New York and where once a week, he being the only inhabitant here went out in his sail boat in the Gulf stream to meet the weekly little Schooner headed for Key West which brought letters and newspapers from New York. He says it was a pleasant experience. He got out one or two days ahead of time, went fishing this side of the Gulfstream and then one day ahead went to the edge so as to make sure that no calm weather would make him miss the schooner.
[[strikethrough]] Jan 2 [[/strikethrough]] Wrote some more letters in the afternoon. - Then took