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[[underlined]] Jan 10. [[/underlined]] Andrew varnishing lower deck.
[[underlined]] Jan 11. [[/underlined]] Furnishings for cottage. [[underlined in red]] Have decided to engage Andrew Murray.[[/underlined in red]] Pleasant warm
[[underlined]] Jan 12. [[/underlined]] Letter from Redman saying he arrives Monday here and confirming news of interview with Wright. Pleasant mild but Northern coming.
[[underlined]] Jan 13. [[/underlined]] (Sunday) Northern since last night but today sunny bright and pleasant. Wrote all morning. No visitors. Delightful rest. Hearts content but for [[underlined in red]] my great disappointment in George Roll. [[/underlined in red]]
At 5 P.M. Air Mail brings me by special messenger note from Celine with Certificate No. NYP.225 [[strikethrough]] f [[/strikethrough]] provisional Certificate of Deposit for 100 shares Preferred Stock
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of The International Nickel Company which I transferred to J P Morgan & Co. (dated my letter Jan 12, 1929) so that they may exchange it for new certificates. Will send it tomorrow morning by air mail. Did not leave the place all day.
[[left margin vertical]] Andrew [[underlined in red]] Murray [[/underlined in red]] & his wife moved in the cottage [[\left margin vertical]]
[[underlined]] Jan 14 [[/underlined]] [[/underlined in red]] Redman [[/underlined in red]] arrived here 8:20 AM. Cool weather. Forthwith started discussing pending matters. First report of work done by his department. Much good news. Asked him to write it so that we may keep a record. Excellent work.
[[underlined]] Jan 15. [[/underlined]] Continuation of research report. Discussion of where and how to create [[underlined in red]] new Central plant. [[/underlined in red]] We both agree it ought to be not too far from New York. [[underlined in red]] Research department should for the time remain intact in Bloomfield. [[/underlined in red]] Then P.A. x [[left margin]] x [[underlined]] Perth [[/underlined]] Amboy [[\left margin]] should be gradually transferred