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[[underlined]] Jan 25. [[/underlined]] This afternoon went to [[underlined red]] Dr. Jeffrey [[/underlined red]] to have my heart and blood pressure examined because before I left New York I have often felt as if my heart beats were irregular. - He [[underlined in red]] tells me heart and blood pressure are normal. [[/underlined in red]]
This evening excellent [[underlined in red]] Radio [[/underlined in red]] Concert from New York broadcast WEAT
[[underlined]] Jan 26. [[/underlined]] All day finishing [[underlined in red]] rigging of ION with Andrew. [[/underlined in red]] Plumber put waste connection on ^[[new]] basin in engine room. Beautiful day again. Afternoon took Catlow's sail boat and went sailing. Evening marvelous ^[[Philharmonic Concert [[strikethrough]] of [[strikethrough]] concert broadcast by hooking up to ^[[all]] local stations from [[underlined in red]] New York City [[/underlined in red]] all over U.S. Choice compositions by old French Composers, also Beethoven and Berliot.  
[[underlined]] Jan 27 (Sunday) [[/underlined]] [[underlined in red]] ION [[/underlined in red]] looking spick and span with all her rigging and flags up. Home
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all day, writing and studying
Jan. 28. Pleasantly warm [[underlined in red]] Linton Riggs [[/underlined in red]] here. Came on Lambert big schooner yacht "Atlantic". Stayed here most of the day. For a man who is so fond of yachting and is a good sailor he is unusually [[strikethrough]] uninformed [[/strikethrough]] ^[[ignorant]] on modern knowledge. This is probably due to the "respectable" education his father a Clergyman graduate of Oxford gave him
[[underlined]] Jan 29 [[/underlined]] ^[[Early]] this morning temperature [[strikethrough]] dropped to 52°.[[/strikethrough]] ^[[it rained.]] Afterwards steady rain all day, a godsend [[underlined in red]] no rain since months [[/underlined in red]]  
[[entry in left margin in red]] Rain [[/left margin]] So started [[strikethrough]] b [[/strikethrough]] hectic planting of all the [[underlined in red]] potted plants received from Reasoner some months ago Planted "Firecracker weed" [[/underlined in red]] along border of road on lower garden, and some ^ [[bare]] patches on lower lawn so as to relieve the monotonous green.
Jan 30. Temp. this morning early dropped to 52°F. Then sunny