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and milder. Finished all our planting.
Afternoon went to Autorhorn in Miami and then went to
see a moving picture [[strikethrough]] made [[/strikethrough]]
called Simba. Hunting and photographing episode by
[[red underline]] Johnson and his little wife. [[/red underline]]
during their 5 years stay in [[red underline]] Tropical Africa. [[/red underline]] Pigmies Elephants, Lion hunting by natives, Zebras and Giraffes
photographed in the Veld a truly extraordinary picture
showing not only ^[[very]] interesting. episodes of wild life in Africa but great skill and courage of [[red underline]] Johnson [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] his wife [[/red underline]]. Johnson is a Californian. [[red underline]] Before he left ^[[for Africa]] he told me that he cruised on the "Snark" with Jack London [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] Jan 31 [[/underline]] More planting.
This morning found in my fish trap a lively little
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[[red underline]] white shark [[/red underline]] of about 3 feet
length and a small [[red underline]] Baracuda [[/red underline]]
[[strikethrough]] Gave the Ba [[/strikethrough]] Skinned the shark and prepared it meuniere fried, boiled and roasted
Excellent; never tasted better fish and more tender. These
[[red underline]] small sharks [[/red underline]] [[underline]] are [[/underline]] [[red underline]] much prized in Mediterranean and Adriatic ports. [[/red underline]] Only prejudice prevents people eating them
They eat other fish; of course. but so does every fish caught here in these waters. They have the great advantage of 
having no sharp bones and of easy preparation
[[underline]] Feb 1 [[/underine]][[strikethrough]] Feb 2 As usually [[/strikethrough]]
[[underline]] Feb 2. [[/underline]] Celine and the remainder of the Family left New York for here.
Andrew reports, water is leaking in in crank case of
engine of ION.
[[underline]] Feb 3 [[/underline]] - Sunday. Pleasant weatheras usually.
[[vertical left margin]] [[underline]] Feb 1 [[underline]] Went out with ION to near
Gulf stream to try engine & rig. Engine ran its 900 r.p.m and
over. seems to go well [[vertical left margin]]