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[[left margin in red]] B Roll the cry baby [[/left margin]]
[[strikethrough]] Feb 18 [[/strikethrough]
Young [[red underlined]] Baekeland [[underlined]] Roll [[/red underlined]] is the cry-baby of family and the least courageous.  [[/underlined]] His sisters and even his little brother [[strikethrough]] Pater [[/strikethrough]] [[red underlined]] Peter show more daring and less poltroonery. [[/red underlined]] The most daring wit and intelligence is shown by [[red underlined]] Dicky.[[/red underlined]] She has become a [[red underlined]] voracious reader and reads any book or printed matter which falls in her hands - even if she does not understand what she reads. On the other hand her spelling is defective, and in arithmetic [[strikethrough]] she [[/strikethrough]] and spelling she is behind Celine Roll and Brooksie. [[/red underlined]]  The latter is very quick in addition and multiplication.
[[left margin in red]] Dickie [[/left margin]]  [[strikethrough]] Dickie is [[/strikethrough]] [[red underlined]] Ninette is mischievous and often stubborn but tries to avoid the results with a pleasant [[strikethrough]] smile [[/strikethrough]] angelic smile [[/red underlined]] and her wit. [[red underlined]] Brooksie is noisy restless talkative, has a hoarse deep voice and is rather assertive but is manly, and [[/red underlined]]
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[[red underlined]]
very interested in everything.  None have any vicious tendency [[/red underlined]] and all are [[red underlined]] straightforward and [[/red underlined]] [[strikethrough[[ thru [[/strikethrough]] trustful. [[red underlined]] Brooksie is quick and intensely interested in everything. Dickie [[strikethrough]] Celine [/strikethrough]] and Brooksie are continually asking "Why"? and endless questions. Celine less so and is quieter in behavior. [[/red underlined]]
[[left margin red bracket]]
The declaration of independence says, "All men are born equal".  My children and grandchildren are all different from each other physically and mentally. [[/left margin red bracket]]
Evening took [[red underlined]] Brooksie and Celine [[/red underlined]] ^[[Roll]] [[strikethrough]] to th [[/strikethrough]] aboard the [[red underlined]] ION [[/red underlined]] to show [[red underlined]] cabins, engine room, [[strikethrough]] lig [[/strikethrough]] electric lights etc. Intense interest.  Brooksie imploring me to take him along some day and let him sleep aboard. [[/red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Feb 18 [[/underlined]] Usual busy Monday with letter writing and answering
[[underlined]] Feb 19. [[/underlined]] Ditto
[[underlined]] Feb 20 [[/underlined]] Great event.  [[strikethrough]] Henry Howa [[/strikethrough]] [[red underlined]] Henry Howard, his wife, his daughter Catherine, his friend [[/red underlined]]