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nies. Best situation is in England, manned by excellent men, who believe in the technical importance of the enterprise, [[strikethrough]] German [[\strikethrough]] and in whom we can have full confidence.  
[[left margin red vertical]] Bakelite in Germany  Sachs [[\left margin red vertical]]
[[underlined in red]] Germany led by Sachs, exceedingly ignorant technically, and overbearing towards the chemists and engineers, underestimating their [[\underlined in red]] importance thru ignorance and continuing an attitude set by his predecessors. Furthermore rather [[underlined in red]] stubborn to advice [[\underlined in red]] and much [[underlined in red]] trying to feather his own nest [[\underlined in red]] by increasing [[underlined in red]] apparent [[\underlined in red]] net earnings and on that account [[underlined in red]] opposed [[\underlined in red]] to [[strikethrough]] techs [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined in red] ]expenditures [[\underlined in red]] for [[underlined in red]] research, patents and [[\underlined in red]] technical betterment, trying to make earnings by [[underlined in red]] increasing volumes of sales instead [[\underlined in red]] of by [[underlined in red]] better goods, [[\underlined in red]] at higher prices.
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[[left margin red vertical]] [[underlined in red]] Italy [[\underlined in red]] [[\left margin red vertical]]
Italy [[underlined in red]] much better spirit than Germany [[\underlined in red]] but thus far [[underlined in red]] rather undeveloped. [[\underlined in red]] One possible trouble is that [[underlined in red]] Senator Quarteri [[\underlined in red]] and his son belong to large chemical and explosives enterprise which some day thru ramifications might bring us in the grasp of a cartel. But all of them high-minded [[underlined in red]] intelligent people technically well prepared.[[\underlined in red]]
[[left margin red vertical]] Surcouf [[\left margin red vertical]]
As [[underlined in red]] to France [[\underlined in red]] I still have the impression that [[underlined in red]] notwithstanding favorable reports of Rossi about Surcouf, the latter will be difficult to get along with on account of this dictatorial [[\underlined in red]] manners, [[strikethrough]] ea [[/strikethrough]] easy irritability, and [[strikethrough]] net [[/strikethrough]] stubborness. Furthermore [[underlined in red]] his wife and Sach's [[\underlined in red]] wife are excellent friends and anything done in Germany leaks out in France and vice-versa. Another serious source of trouble is [[underlined in red]] Bethune [[\underlined in red]]