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guided by the idea of honesty service regardless of political influences is just as inspiring.  One great President following another altho' both rather different in personality and experience.  Blessed is the country which has such men at her head.  I [[red underlined]] felt deeply stirred [[/red underlined]] while listening to the radio.  Was glad to be alone in the house, undisturbed by talk or noise.  
[[underlined]] March 5. [[/underlined]] Windy weather.  [[red underlined]] Celine, Nina, Cornelia and George Roll out to the beach on Key Biscayne in Matheson's boat [[/red underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Wind [[/strikethrough]]
[[underlined]] March 6 [[/underlined]] This morning N.W winds Temp. near 50˚F ^ [[Much warmer after sunrise]] But admirably clear weather.  Spent all day on the intricacies of my ^ [[vexing]] income [[red underlined]] tax returns.  Very tedious, [[\red underlined]] awkward [[red underlined]] work which I dislike immensely [[\red underlined]]

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Evening wind and water perfect calm, and sky and sea and landscape admirably beautiful towards sunset.  A feast to the eye and to the soul.  These calm, clear sunsets occur ordinarily after a day with N. or N.W. winds
[[underlined]] March 7. [[\underlined]]  Again 50°F early morning, [[strikethrough]] and d [[/strikethrough]] and as usually much warmer after sunrise.  Afternoon went to visit [[red underlined]] A. Karpen [[\red underlined]] at his rented villa on Miami Beach.  Remained about 1 hour with him.  He is [[red underlined]] able to walk [[\red underlined]] altho' with a limp.  He is [[red underlined]] again able to speak [[\ red underlined]] altho' his speech is somewhat lingering on account of remainder of partial paralysis of face but his right arm is limp and he has to lift it with his right hand.  Told me [[red underlined]] George Roll had written him a long letter about business matters which he did not like to answer.[[\ red underlined]] Gave him short account