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of business situation of Bakelite.
Most of day busy with making up my tax returns for 1928.  Finally got finished.
[[underlined]] March 8 [[\underlined]] Mailed my tax returns to Custom-house New York, registered. They amount to about [[underlined in red]] 103000 [[/underlined in red]] sent first check, (dated March 15) for over 25000$.
[[underlined]] March. 9. [[\underlined]] Nina and [[underlined in red]] George Roll left here in airplane for Havana.[[\underlined in red]] Evening [[underlined in red]] Celine tells me she intends to fly tomorrow [[\underlined in red]] morning with [[underlined in red]] Cornelia [[\underlined in red]] and Mrs. Walworth. [[underlined in red]]Same St. Vitus dance tendencies under which most people here are suffering.[[\underlined in red]] Moving, [[underlined in red] ]moving, moving, always wanting to go to another place as soon as they get somewhere. Explains the success of the motor car industry [[\underlined in red]]
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Everybody moving about in a motor car little interested where and wherefore as long as they are [[underlined in red]] moving - moving. Chewing gum [[\underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] Jazz [[\underlined in red]] are further [[underlined in red]] symptoms of this [[\underlined in red]] eternal [[underlined in red]] moving and jumping [[\underlined in red]] and wriggling. Want to go to [[underlined in red]] dinner somewhere; - scarcely sit down to eat, [[\underlined in red]] that they [[underlined in red]] jump up to dance, [[\underlined in red]] while [[underlined in red]] the dinner gets cold.[[\underlined in red]] - Well it will give me some few days of rest without coming and going of automobiles. Went sailing this afternoon alone in my sail pram to Bear Cut and back.
A few days ago discovered that the walls of my harbor and neighbors are covered with excellent oysters. Have started today seeding some of the smaller, too small to eat, in the yacht basin [[strikethrough]] also [[/strikethrough]] in a wire netting bag, also [[strikethrough]] some [[/strikethrough]]