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returned the shells of those we ate, in a wire netting bag so as to serve for surface for setting the next spawn.
[[underlined]] March 10 Sunday.[[/underlined]] Light northerly. [[red underlined]] Celine left in airplane with [[/red underlined]] Cornelia and Mrs. Walworth for Havana, this morning. This ^[[will]] [[red underlined]] gave me a quiet day for writing, somewhat disturbed [[/red underlined]] in the afternoon by the arrival of the grandchildren who came to swim.
[[underlined]] March 11 [[/underlined]] Generous shower since last night, [[strikethrough]] confe [[/strikethrough]] continuing thru the day with strong N.E winds of about 40 miles. Spent most of day writing letters.
[[underlined]] March 12. [[/underlined]] More much needed rain and strong Easterly blowing
[[underlined]] March 13. [[/underlined]] Still blowing Easterly [[red underlined]] Celine [[/red underlined]] [[strikethrough]] still [[/strikethrough]] and [[red underlined]] Cornelia still in Havana. George Baekeland [[/red underlined]] wires me has not received a confidential letter I mailed from here last Saturday and wants instructions
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for Director's meetings, dividends etc. [[red underlined]] Wired him instructions [[/red underlined]] and that Karpen and myself will not be present.
[[left margin in red]] X Union Carbide offer [[/left margin]]
[[underlined]] March 14. [[/underlined]] Letter from George announcing a piece of news which I have expected for a long time [[red underlined]] Union Carbide [[/red underlined]] wants to [[red underlined]] buy us out or amalgamate. Townsend broke the news to George. I had been expecting this step either from [[/red underlined]] Dupont or Union Carbide. I hate the thought of this disturbance at a moment [[red underlined]] when we need all our attention [[/red underlined]] and energies for many pending problems of constructive work. Altho matter is kept secret it will certainly leak out and will probably demoralise our directors whose point of view is not along the same lines as mine, and who are liable to be swayed by money offers and other inducements and appearance of bigness etc which easily lure men of less