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[[red underlined]] from the harbor walls. [[/red underlined]] Sent special del. letter to George B to N.Y office giving him explanations on pending matters also a letter making Operating Committee, collectively and individually responsible for any results from the [[red underlined]] procrastination [[/red underlined]] in [[strikethrough]] soliciting new [[/strikethrough]] agreeing upon a site for [[red underlined]] the new manufacturing [[/red underlined]] plant
[[underlined]] March 17. [[/underlined]] ^[[Sunday)]]  Wind N.W. and colder weather.   Wrote further letter to George B. to tell him how I [[red underlined]] dislike the possibility of amalgamation or sale of our company. [[/red underlined]]
[[underlined]] March 18. [[/underlined]] Very welcome rain last night and all day. Sent bunch of photos and a letter to Frederic a to Rachel
[[underlined]] March 19. [[/underlined]] Out with the [[red underlined]] ION [[/red underlined]] to [[red underlined]] Adams Key. [[/red underlined]] On the way got stopped by speed boats
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with Pattison in, to tell Catlow that his friend Kruze had been killed by motor car accident and Pattison asks to let Catlow attend to funeral etc. This broke up our trip, altho' I continued with Pattison and [[red underlined]] Andrew Murray [[/red underlined]] but we were back before sunset Karpen had been here in meantime, later on 'phoned to tell me [[red underlined]] Hays had written [[/red underlined]] him urging him to elect [[red underlined]] Sanford Brown [[/red underlined]] vice-president. I told to [[red underlined]] Karpen [[/red underlined]] I was against this for several reasons and specially because if [[red underlined]] Hays [[/red underlined]] had to make such a proposal he [[red underlined]] should first confer with me. I feel disgusted at this [[/red underlined]] lack of [[red underlined]] tact and wired so to [[/red underlined]] George.
[[underlined]] March 20 [[/underlined]] George B wires me that he knows nothing of Hays proposal and thinks Karpen or I must be mistaken