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[[entry in left margin in red]] 
X Hays [[/entry in left margin]]
Karpen had sent me by special delivery the letter of Hays. A rather rambling and unexpected letter from a man like [[underlined in red]] Hays. He had talked to Sanford Brown [[/underlined in red]] about the proposal, then to [[underlined in red]] Schleussner, then to Karpen, but not a word to George B nor Rossi nor Redman. [[/underlined in red]] I feel much irritated. Went to Karpen and told him my objection, first for the [[strikethrough]] un [[/strikethrough]] tactless way Hays undertook the matter, secondly gave him several reasons why at present the [[underlined in red]] number of vice-presidents should not be increased. Karpen after my talk agrees [[/underlined in red]] with me and think it best to let the matter die of itself. Wrote explicit letter to George telling him about my views
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and my interview with Karpen and set him a further telegram.
Karpen looks improved, still speaks with some [[strikethrough]] inp [[/strikethrough]] impediment [[strikethrough]] b [[/strikethrough]] and his arm is still lame but his walk has improved.
[[underlined]] March 21. [[/underlined]] This is [[underlined in red]] directors meeting today [[/underlined in red]] in New York so kept on watch here.
Afternoon received telegram from George all went well and I can go off on a cruise. Lots of fun [[underlined in red]] with the grandchildren swimming, and [[strikethrough]] little [[/strikethrough]] Celine Roll & Ninette went out alone in row boat and swam in the harbor. [[/underlined in red]] Then later on great fun opening and distributing a large Coconut. Little [[underlined in red]] Peter took specially aggressive attitude about ownership of Coconut. Healthy life for all of them [[/underlined in red]]