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[[underline]] April 21 [[/underline]] (Sunday). Here all day. Good steady rain all afternoon. - Feels good to have some needed rain.
[[underline]] April 22. [[/underline]] More of this good rain this afternoon. [[strikethrough]] Ave [[/strikethrough]] Following advice of George cabled Rossi he should try to settle partnership with [[red underline]] Harveg [[/red underline]] for America on reasonable terms
[[underline]] April 23. [[/underline]] Planted second [[red underline]] Coconut Palm [[/red underline]] to shade window of cottage against Western sun. Fascell planted it for $5.00 all included [[strikethrough]] Marvelous moonlight [[/strikethrough]] Wife of Andrew Murray caught a [[red underline]] 20" Barracuda [[/red underline]] from our mole with hook & line this morning in full sunlight. Had strong teeth. Shows there are Barracudas around trying to catch snapper and mullet. Gardner next door says he has seen a large [[red underline]] Barracuda [[/red underline]] but never could hook him.
This evening marvelously beau
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tiful moonlight in light wind Spent whole evening around the garden and near the shore and at midnight took a swim in our tank; moonlight so clear I could see the goldfish on the bottom.
[[underline]] April 24. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Col. Mershon [[/red underline]] here this afternoon then [[red underline]] Fairchild with a specimen of insect and larvae of that dreaded [[red underline]] Fruit Fly [[/red underline]] Came to discuss possibility of using chemicals etc and submitted sketch of his poster
Evening he called me at phone at 9. P.M. and he and Mrs. Fairchild came further to discuss details of chemical [[strikethrough]] action [[/strikethrough]] possible chemical means against Fruit Fly
Strong Easterly winds nearing 40 miles
[[underline]] April 25 [[/underline]] [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] Baekeland has his hands full at office with additional job of alloting