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[[left margin in red]] Catlow [[/left margin]]
believe that there is more advancement in store for him in Bakelite Corporation It is too bad that nobody has realised that [[red underline]] Catlow [[/red underline]] has an amazing fund of general information on the Natural history of Florida, beside [[/red underline]] his knowledge in physics [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] chemistry and engineering and his experience in camping [[red underline]] boating sailing and fishing. He might have developed into a first rate professor at the local University. [[/red underline]]
Have [[red underline]] cabled to Rossi [[/red underline]] he [[strikethrough]] sta [/strikethrough]] am willing to accept Strauss proposal and buy my [[strikethrough]] share [[/strikethrough]] alloted amount of Hechts and Knolls holdings in [[red underline]] Bakelite Gesellschaft [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] April 28 [[/underline]] (Sunday). [[red underline]] Made last brew. [[/red underline]] - I intend to leave here in 2 weeks for New York
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2 packages hops in 2 gals boiling water
6 lbs. grape sugar in 3 gals cold water
2 boxes malt ^[[extract]] (3lb. each) in 2 gals water cold
Added 3 1/2 gals. cold water making 10 1/2 gals in all.
Sp. gr. at 90˚F. 13˚ Balling hit only 11˚ Bal at my large Sacharometer or 12˚ corrected to 90˚F. Added 1 small Fleischman Yeast cake 9.A.M. (Finished [[strikethrough]] Friday [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Thursday]] afternoon 5P.M 2. and bottled Temperature oscillated 74˚ - 84˚F
[[left margin]] 4 days & 7 hours in all [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] April 29. [[/underline]] As usual.
April 30. Here all day ION emptied
[[underline]] May 1. 1929. [[/underlined]] Wired to [[red underline]] Mali [[/red underline]] cannot be with him and [[red underline]] Prince de Ligne at his University Club [[/red underline]] dinner May 8
Wired to George he should cable to Rossi [[red underline]] no use of making concession to France [[/red underline]] which will be better than those made to our other foreign associates and which the latter