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cool but bright weather.  Winter clothes suitable thermometer 50-56°F.  Home all day.  [[underlined]]Visit of the Parents of Geo Roll[[\underlined]] who came for luncheon.  Had met his mother but not his father.  Both make a very good impression of sturdy; reliable people of good principles, representing the better farming class of the U.S.  Pleasant conversation on many matters.  Nina & Cornelia and George Roll also for luncheon.  George Baekeland feels tired and wants to be excused.  Afternoon visit of the [[underlined]]De Vecchis.[[\underlined]]  Have again been rather troubled with aching teeth.
[[underlined]]George Roll had not told his parents about his leaving[[\underlined]] the company until within the last few days.
[[underlined]]June 3.[[\underlined]]  Cold - 50°-60°F.  Am told at office that production last month was over [[underlined]]3000,000[[\underlined]]lbs!
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or at the rate of over 50 tons every day of the month!  Much worried about delays in [[underlined]]formalities[[\underlined]] of purchasing that land in [[underlined]]Bound Brook.[[\underlined]]  Trouble is with [[underlined]]Board of Health[[\underlined]] and water board objecting to our [[?large]] sewer near watershed.  This stops us entirely.  George with Thompson trying to locate and get option on other property without these restrictions.
[[underlined]]June 4.[[\underlined]]  All morning with [[underlined]]Income Tax[[\underlined]] Examiner (Mr. Clausen) at office to examine my 1927 returns on which I have paid several thousand dollars too much.  More Mangoes arriving several times a week.  Beautiful and excellent
[[strikethrough]][[underlined]]June 5[[\underlined]] 44°F this morning![[\strikethrough]]
Afternoon 6 P.M. Commencement ceremonies at Columbia, in open air before the Library.  Cool pleasant weather.  Imposing spectacle.  Everything perfect, and [[underlined]]President Butlers[[\underlined]] clear