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thus upsetting all the aims I have been striving for and endangering the position of the excellent men of our staff and their future. [[underlined in red]] Jacobi [[\underlined in red]] in his letter said that he has excellent securities and refers to his rich Banker-friends and rich relatives in San Francisco. I told him I was glad to hear it but that just on account of this he should apply to them and not to me. If his securities about which he speaks are so good, he ought to have no trouble in borrowing on them. If I have to send him money I shall have to borrow myself, and I do not want to be in that condition. I have until now kept clear of
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favors or dependence on bankers.
He wants [[underlined in red]] $25000 [[\underlined in red]] so as to increase his yearly [[underlined]] income![[\underlined]] I am willing to send him a yearly sum instead of letting [[underlined]] him invest [[\underlined]](!) the 25000 in view of the fact that he [[underlined in red]] himself states that most of his investments have turned out wrong. [[\underlined in red]] I fear the man's judgement is becoming defective.  Perhaps he has been [[underlined in red]] speculating [[\underlined in red ]] or what is more likely he has some parasites around him. He [[underlined in red]] has no family to care [[\underlined in red]] for. His relatives are rich, and he is running an expensive house all for himself. Now he wants in addition [[underlined in red]] a "nurse".[[\underlined in red]] I do not mind helping Jacobi but I do not desire to see this money being deviated to others. He was a very emotional, impulsive and irascible person and